This Mysterious Window is the old residence of an old soul. The one that never left Mr. Barog – the unknown British railway engineer who was assigned to build a straight and a long tunnel, which is now apparently known as tunnel number 33 of Barog railway station at the Kalka – Shimla highway. As he started digging the tunnel from both sides of the mountain to speed up the construction, his miscalculations lead to some mistakes. It was found that the two ends of the tunnel did not meet and therefore he was fined Rupee 1 by the British government. Unable to stand the insult and humiliation, Mr. Barog committed suicide. He was buried near the incomplete tunnel, where he remained. Ever since then, people have felt an unknown presence at the station. People still believe he never left the place and so do me, as my entire experience of being there and clicking, just made me realize there are things and stories that choose us not otherwise. The irony of his life was he took his final walk with his only dog and shot himself while walking around the same tunnel. I believe some spirits that wander are harmless and mostly isolated, I truly realize that this picture wanted me to tell his story; the one that died with him.
#Kahani #NRC #Window #Barog #TheGreatGhost #TunnelNo.33
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