Most of us believe we live once, some of us live the usual hustle and bustle, many just live their lives with total madness but only a handful are there who live their entire life with a single purpose following every single day. I met this man, a yogi to be very precise, at Konark Sun temple and I completely fell short of words when I try to describe what I felt when I saw him that morning. His discipline fascinated me so much that I had to ask him his story. A yogi who came every morning and performed surya namaskar until sunrise. His powerful yet effortless skill induced extreme curiosity in me to question him ‘why so much effort everyday’ and he answered ‘this is what i do, everyday. This is what my ancestors have been doing and this is what i would continue doing till my last breath, that’s just the purpose of my life.’ At that point I experienced bliss and wisdom in surprise. There nothing more beautiful than living with a selfless purpose.
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